Contact Call Centre if you have any questions : MP3JUICEID

If you have consumer complaints by contacting Wahana Call Centre

Customers can contact the Rides Call Centre when problems arise. Vahana is the same freight forwarding service, which often causes a variety of problems. There are a lot of consumers of rides, which occur because it lasts longer, as well as opening the agent.

Everyone can register themselves to become a ride agent. This is very useful considering that being an agent can be of considerable benefit. But as business continues to grow, new problems are emerging, as well as similar problems. In the business world, it’s natural.

But as a consumer, the number of problems is certainly unstable. This is where the  presence  of the RIDE call centre becomes very important. With that existence, every complaint can be heard as effectively as possible. The answer to be given is certainly also more satisfying when it comes to finding a way out of the Internet itself.

Different ways to contact call centers

There are different ways to choose by contacting the call centre. The easiest way is obviously to call him right away. However, the ride does not offer a telephone feature for consumer complaints. This is already management policy that consumers must follow the consequences.

In return, WhatsApp has been replaced by rides call center, to contact whatsapp, first enter, from where there will be a column that says Customer Service . A laptop  has the customer service column at the top with a yellow box.

After accessing the Customer Service page, consumers have two options: the choice is linked to the issue received, because the choice is distributed to delivery services and public services. They will be instructed to choose according to the issue at hand and enter the data.

The data includes full name and personal WhatsApp contact, email and filed complaints. From there, rides will be  contacted  at the call centre and will continue via WhatsApp, which makes it easier to remember that WhatsApp itself is very popular in Indonesia, as well as with cost benefits.

When using a phone, there are tariffs that consumers have to pay. But when you make contact via WhatsApp, the tariff is obviously not there. As another option, customers can also contact Wahana via email. Wahana’s personal official email address is However, there are shortcomings in the service.

The  damage to call centers via email  is at a rapid response speed, not as quick as answering via WhatsApp, because in fact, email itself is used more to communicate related to terms, because this email is actually used as a medium to improve the service.

Rides can also be found on social media

If you want to know  more about rides and callcenters, customers need to follow social media, Vahana herself is active on various social media platforms, facebook is the first platform with the highest level of activity, the official account itself has the same address/WahanaExpress official.

However, some people do not use Facebook now. So you can get  information about the Rides Call Center on Instagram, the official instegarm address of the same ride is @wahanaexpressofficial, and the activeness of rides on Instagram is very good, with his posts always updated every day.

In addition, his followers were also close to 20,000. Of course, this figure cannot be said to be small. If you want to be more formal, customers can actually see the RIDE profile on LinkedIn. The provider’s LinkedIn account can be found at the address /Wahana-Prestasi-Logistics. It’s really more comfortable for some traders to check profiles through LinkedIn.

In addition to the information media, customers can also communicate through social media admin. Naturally, its benefits are very similar to call centres. For communication, the real path on every platform is very similar. First, log on first to your personal social media account. Get the official account of the ride after logging in.

Make sure the account is official and fake. Send a message from your official account, based on a question or complaint you have. The messenger’s medium is the same different for each platform. For example, if you want to contact the provider via Facebook, you  need to install Facebook MessE Wenger.

Social media may be bad in the absence of an official Twitter account. This is a self-inflicted shortcoming, given that the number of Twitter users in Indonesia is increasing again. Therefore, you twitter users need to use another social media to find out more.

Most of the time, contact

Customers who need to call rides call centre have different problems, the first being related to the delivery address of the package, whether as a sender or recipient, if they are not sent where they want it, there are two things that can happen.

The first reason is the courier error when the address is sent when there is an error. If this happens, you can contact the call centre and clearly describe chronology. The CS will immediately process the report and send it to a better location.

In addition, problems often occur when you use the tracking feature. The tracking feature is definitely beneficial for customers. With this feature, customers will be able to determine the latest location of the goods sent. However, this feature does not work normally many times. This makes the item unknown in the location.

This issue obviously makes consumers feel uncomfortable. Typically, tracking problems are caused entirely by system errors. Therefore, if there is a clear report from the RIDE call centre,  it can be corrected quickly. The situation of not arriving on time in advance also makes consumers uncomfortable.

There are still two ways in which the package may not come up. The first possibility is delay. This is because transport problems can make it difficult. The second possibility is in itself the loss of goods. This issue is rare and never occurred.

It will be clear why customers are being delayed by contacting the call centre. In addition, CS will also process the package item immediately if it is indeed missing. If the package is not found at the end, further details of the direct claimprocedure should be provided.

Contact Call Centre if you have any questions

In addition to filing complaints, rides call centres can also use a number of questions. The same question can be asked from a variety of objects, from prices to shipping, but with a note, this question relates to rides and its consumers, and there is no need to hesitate to ask questions on the matter.

This is indeed one of the main tasks of the CS. After all, you will get answers in good words and you will get satisfactory answers when dealing directly with CS. Make sure you know everything in detail so that the answers received are satisfactory and as desired.

In fact, it is up to you to take advantage of having a call centre. However, we strongly recommend that it be used as much as possible. It will be used to smooth communication between customers and providers.  Don’t forget to advise even your closest relatives by calling rides call centre.

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